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History / What you need to know
                       How it started
     There are 4 different areas in the middle colony. The Middle Colony consists of Pennsylvania , Delaware , New York and New Jersey . The English created New York and New Jersey from previous Dutch territory. New York was discovered by the Dutch for trade and then became an English colony in 1664. New Jersey was also found in 1664, the land in this area was mostly used for trading and farming. Delaware was also discovered 1766 which was mainly used for the community and housing. Pennsylvania was found by William Penn and some other Quakers for religious freedom .


                        The community 
A lot of the families that came to the middle colonies did not bring their family. Many of the settlers that lived in the middle colonies came from different ethnicities and backgrounds. There was some Dutch, Swedish, French, and many others. Middle colonies was also a very peaceful place. The people that lived in the middle colonies refused to participate in war and believed all people were equal, they came to America to worship and refuge. 

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